Monday, March 17, 2014


Today at our visit we finally got to measure her. I had a goal of 3 pounds for her and thought for sure she would hit that. The tech measured her and said she is 2 pounds 9oz. My heart dropped I started to have tears run down my face. I wanted her to be 3 pounds so bad! She Is gaining though so that's always good... Just not much and slowly. Dr Andres came in and said well your nst looks really good her weight is still small but she's gaining so that's good. He said he got the test back for the MRI. Which he said came back good!! He said it's not dandy walker syndrome it is a cyst called Blake's Pouch which doesn't affect her at all. This was a relief to us. Even though we would absolutely love it if she did have a syndrome. It's hard I feel relief but feel guilty feeling relieved because I would be honored to raise a child with a syndrome. He said we won't go more than 37 weeks and we will schedule a day to deliver next Monday. I am 34 weeks so another 2-3 weeks unless her nst starts looking bad than it will be sooner. He said that they'll lean more towards c section because of how small she is and because of that she moves a ton so prob won't have her head down. I am totally fine with that whatever is easier for my baby that's what I want. He said that he doesn't think she'll gain more than a 1/2 of a pound or even 1/3 of a pound by the time we deliver so she will be tiny. You could see her hair it was so cute! The tech said she has a full head of hair... Yahoo! So some great news of her MRI and some ok news on her growing! Zach is thinking we will deliver April 1st so we will see :) 

1 comment:

  1. So happy she is gaining, hopefully she will reach the 3 lbs, love you.xo
