Monday, April 7, 2014

Me and Z went and stayed down in a hotel the night before because we had to be at the hospital at 530. I didn't sleep one wink. I was so excited and worried! When we got to the hospital they started right away with getting me prepared to take me back. I thought it would take forever to go but right at 700 they said here we go. I wasn't nervous on my part I was a little nervous for the epidural just because of what I've heard from people but when they gave me that it wasn't bad at all!! That was nothing like I thought. It did seem forever til they let zach come back he came back at 8. Right when he got back they started cutting. Here is my face right before they pulled her out 
When she came out all I wanted was to hear her cry or make a noise but they rushed her over to nicu the second she was out. She was born at 8:08. She weighed 3lbs 6oz and was 17.5 inches long. She had the cord wrapped around her neck twice and around both legs. Her apgar was a zero meaning she wasn't alive. They did CPR and had to sedate her. Her apgar finally came to an 8. Zach was suppose to follow her back but she was in way bad shape. They wheeled me to my recovery room. We waited forever to even get any information that she was ok. Zach finally got to go see her 3 and a half hours later. They wheeled me to my main room where I kept waiting and waiting. Finally 6 and a half hours later the life flight team brought her in my room! She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. My heart has never been touched/full as it was when I touched her. 
I only got a few minutes with her until they transported her to primary's. It was comforting knowing zach was with her. They got her stable for the night which was also comforting. I finally got to go over to primary's to see her about 8:00pm. She was absolutely beautiful I love her beyond words can even say!!

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