Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First weekly visit

Today was our first of many visits at McKay Dee. I had to do the glucose test... It really wasn't as bad as everyone says it is (for me at least) I just guzzled it right down. I'm hoping those results are good. We did an ultrasound where she measured the amniotic fluid which was looking great, and the blood flow through everything which was also looking good. We didn't get to measure her since it's only been a week so I am hoping she's growing lots for us. Then we did the non-stress test which was good. She gets so fiesty (like her mom) and starts punching the machine, so on the monitor all you hear is heart beat.. Big punch! She wouldn't raise her heart rate up to where they wanted so then we had to do another ultrasound to detect if shes moving a lot and is breathing good. They say that this could be because of her heart condition and not to worry. So luckily today we didn't get any bad news for once ha! We go again on Monday so we are hoping good news will continue with us throughout the rest of the pregnancy! 

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