Monday, February 10, 2014


This morning I woke up and had a really bad feeling.. I didn't know why! So I was scared to go to the doctor. I tried to keep it from zach so he wouldn't get any bad ideas but it got worse right when we were walking out the door. So I finally told him. He said he was starting to get one too... But I am sure it's cause I said something. Well on the freeway we about collided with this semi that turned right into our lane. I hate that feeling you get. So by the time we got to the doctors the feeling was gone. So I'm thinking that was why I had a bad feeling. We did the non-stress test which was good. I even had a contraction! She even raised her heart rate up to where it should be so we didn't have to do another ultra sound to detect if it was ok. My glucose test came back normal... Which thank Goodness I couldn't of dealt with any more bad news. The ultra sound was also good. Her amniotic fluid was the same as last week. Dr Andres came and talked to us I really liked him. He said we just have to play it week by week and hopefully she keeps growing. We will get to measure her either next week or the week after. He said he wants to keep her in as long as we can. Even if that means having a high risk chance for still birth. So we are doing good so far! 
It's CHD week and we have been wearing our red!! I hope and pray for all those sweet hearts out there that everything will be perfect for them! 

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