Thursday, April 17, 2014


Sweet Berlyn has been doing so good. Today she did great with her breathing. She likes to suck on her feeding tube it's cute to watch. But she also likes to play with it with her tongue which than makes her gag I hate seeing that. Today for me however not so good. Yesterday I was getting body chills and body aches way bad. I thought it was just due to me stressing and having an anxiety attack because they took her breathing tube out. But I woke up this morning and felt even worse it was close to when I had the swine flu. I called my normal ob in Logan and he suggested going to an Instacare. So we called and they said it was too severe for them to treat to go to the ER. So we went to the LDS hospital cause it was close to the Ronald McDonald house where we are staying. We thought it would be a quick visit just give me antibiotics and we would be on our way... Oh no. They think I have a bad infection due to my c-section. They wanted to transport me to the university of Utah hospital by an ambulance. I thought it was ridiculous so we just drove over. They ran tests and told me I'd be admitted on IV for 24-48 hours. I felt like a horrible horrible mom because I couldn't get over to see Berlyn til 7 at night!! They are thinking she will have surgery on her belly button on Friday. I am already a nervous wreck for it. She just looks so good today. I love her so so much.

1 comment:

  1. I love that she has her eyes open, so sorry for you, take care of you, if you need anything please let me know, i'm so close, love you ! I'm sure your Mom is with you, she is such a great person.xo
